
The ‘Truth’ series is nothing more, nothing less than the evolution of a soul, the opening of a heart, the healing of a body, the expansion of a mind and finally, the freeing of a spirit.

Does it take a miracle to save a woman who has lost everything? Does God really step in and carry those who cannot or will not for the moment carry themselves? Are the prayers we scream to the heavens in our most desperate hour of need really answered? The answers can be found in the remarkable journey of the woman who went from laying curled up on the bathroom floor praying for God to take her home, to the woman who now believes that faith in the Divine is just the beginning of this incredible adventure we call life…

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Niki Norlock

Niki Norlock is a Canadian born author and indie film producer. Niki is all about loving living; pouring as much enthusiasm as possible into her creations to inspire others to find ways to see their world through newly opened eyes. Believing that children have the edge due to their untainted view and ability to colour outside the lines, she does her best to emulate their unique perspective. This brings an almost childlike quality of innocence and wonder into her work. Niki is in love with the naturally compassionate nature of human… Read More